Round-Up 2022 Thank You
Thank you to all who participated in and helped with our 9th annual Round-Up! We had so many people who donated items, helped set up, volunteered, and more. To those of you who helped in any way, thank you so much! You were all invaluable and the Round-Up wouldn’t have been possible without you.
To the businesses who donated items for our silent auction and raffle, thank YOU! The silent auction went really well and it helps so much!
To the participants and their families, thank you!! The Round-Up would have been horrible without your participation 🙂 You kids were so brave and did such a good job in your events. Parents and caregivers, thank you for your support to bring them out and for sharing them with us. We appreciate you all so much!
Thanks to all of you who purchased and donated at the Round-Up! We raised about $5,500 this year to help offer hope and healing to families at Haven Acres free-of-charge.
God has really blessed us through all of you coming alongside of us to make this event happen every year.