The Round-Up: Success!
The Haven Acres Annual Round-Up was a huge success this year!! Approximately 300 people were in attendance, and the feedback we received was extremely positive and encouraging! One of the volunteers said, “I can’t even express how full my heart is! I loved every minute of today. On my way home I felt like I was leaving summer camp!!…I know God was there–I felt His presence…. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.”
The Round-Up is a rodeo-type event that features students from the summer mentorship program performing in an event with their horse. It is open to the community and in addition to the riding program, the Round-Up features fun for the whole family with food, carnival games, pony rides, and a Silent Auction.
We are thrilled to report that nearly $7,000 was raised this year as a result of the generous donations of organizations and families in our community such as yours! Thank you for partnering with us so that we can continue offering encouragement, hope, and mentorship to at-risk youth in the Metro area.