Haven Acres is only what it is through the power and love of God. We constantly have a front-row seat seeing Him answer prayers and provide for everything we need. That being said, we always have needs that we would love other people to be praying for with us. Please be praying for:
- God to be glorified through everything that we do
- People to begin a saving relationship with Jesus Christ
- People to grow in their relationship with God here
- Love to abound in this place, between participants, volunteers, and leadership
- Wisdom for the volunteers as they interact with the participants
- Wisdom for the leadership as they steward the ministry
- Safety for all the people and horses
- Provision of funds, volunteers, and other resources needed
- Breakthroughs for the participants in the various struggles or challenges in their lives
Thank you so much!
Volunteers are the heart of this ministry. Whether it’s being a mentor, a photographer, or a fundraiser, we need volunteers in order to make a difference in people’s lives. We care deeply about our volunteers and often we will hear that God used this as a place of healing and restoration for them and not just for the kids who they serve.
Whatever your experience level, your gifts, your age, or your personality, we would love to talk to you about volunteer opportunities at the ranch. If you have a passion or skill-set that we do not have listed, just contact us and we can find a place to get you plugged in! Throughout the year we need many different types of volunteers, so if you are interested please let us know!
Some volunteer positions include…
- Mentors
- Mavericks
- Deaf Mentors
- Sign Language Interpreters
- Prayer Team
- Chore Help
- Horse Trainer
- Fundraising
For more information on volunteering, or for applications, visit our volunteering page.
Every child who comes to Haven Acres comes free of charge. Many of the children who come would never be able to afford a regular horse program of any kind. The children and teenagers that we serve are struggling with depression, trauma, loss, disabilities… and God uses us to be their safe haven in the midst of these struggles.
As a donor, you are the reason that a child gets to come out to Haven Acres! As a donor, you are the reason we are able to provide a loving home for our horses who have extra medical costs.
We rely heavily on the generosity of donors who give gifts of varying sizes to support this ministry. Please consider a one-time or ongoing gift of whatever you are able to contribute. Generosity means different dollar amounts for different people! Visit our Donation page for more information.
Thank you so much for considering!
Mailing Address
Haven Acres
2820 245th St E
Hampton, MN 55031
Contact Us
Phone: (612) 363-7415